history of the ‘original sin’ is a very important topic
because it has the potential to unite us spiritually. The story of original sin is related to the history of Manu or
Adam, which is still shrouded in mystery. The Bible writers mention about the story of Adam
and Ave and the sin they committed against the will of God. It is presented as
a myth, which is both conceptually vague and lacking in historical details. The
Adam myth relates to a long forgotten spiritual error in the history of human race,
which is little different from the one mentioned in the Bible. First of all,
Bible creates the impression that Adam and Eve were the first human beings who lived
in the garden of God (it is not clear whether it was on the earth or in the
heaven) and that their sexual union after eating the forbidden apple disobeying
the word of God had caused their fall.
Biblical myth related to Adam in the Genesis and his lineage up to Noah appears
in one of the Hindu Puranas (Bhavishya Purana, 4th Ch.). It has been
mentioned here that Adaman and Haimavati (equivalent to Adam and Eve) were
living in their heavenly abode. Adaman ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of
sin and they were expelled from the heavens. The names of Adaman’s successors
have close resemblance to the Biblical names, Adam for Adaman, Seth for
Shwethanama, Enoch for Anoohan, Kenan for Keenashan, Mahallalel for Mahallalan,
Methuselah for Manochillan, Lamech for Lomakan and Noah for Newhan.
I shall present a different version of the original sin and the spiritual status
of Adam according to the original vision of Indian rishis (sages). The word
Adam was derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Adi’ (the First or Origin) says
Blavatsky, the Russian mystic, who was one of the founders of the Theosophical
Society in her book The Secret Doctrine: ‘Even the name of the first man (Adam)
in the Mosaic Bible had its origin in India… the words ‘Ad’ and ‘Adi’ mean in
Sanskrit ‘the First’, in Armenian, ‘One’ (Ad-ad, the Only One); in Assyrian, ‘Father’,
whence Ak-Ad or ‘Father Creator’. And once the statement is found correct it
becomes rather difficult to confine Adam to the Mosaic Bible alone and to see
therein simply a Jewish name’. (The Secret Doctrine, Adam Adami, Page 44).
equivalent name for Adam and Eve in Indian spirituality is Manu and Satarupa. Manu
is not an earthly creation (nor is he the author of Manusmriti with the same
name). He is the First Born of God or the First Cosmic Person, the Father in
Heaven, the nucleus of all karma, the functional activities in the manifested
world. A solar system is born out
of the conception of Manu. Because of this, the rishis calculated the age of the
universe in terms of Manvantara, after the name of Manu. Fourteen such Manus or
Adams appear in a single episode of creation called ‘Kalpa’ which is time-space
continuum formed by billions of years (4,320,000,000 years). The time of one
Manu cycle is equal to 306,720,000 years consisting of 71 age-quartets or
chaturyugas. One chaturyuga consists of four cosmic ages (Yugas), viz. Satya
(golden age), Treta, Dwapara and Kali. We are living in the Kali Yuga, the last
leg of the 28th age-quartet of the seventh Manu cycle. Kali Yuga has
a duration of 4,32,000 years and it has begun only 5200 years ago after the
time of Sri Krishna according to Manvantara time reckoning.
first ray of life originated in the waters of the earth billions of years ago out
of the copulation of cosmic rays from the sun and moon in rhythm with the planetary
movements in the solar system and in alignment with twenty seven stars and
twelve constellations (zodiacs). Life evolved and evolved and it became man, in
the perfect image of God. The spiritual evolution of man happens through a
brotherhood of Mahatmas or Preceptors, who appear at the turn of every age (as
well as within the duration of a long age), according to the spiritual
requirement of every age. This is the temporal spiritual architecture of God
and this has been named as Sanatana Dharma, meaning the ‘Eternal Religion’. This
is mentioned here as a preamble to explain when and how the original sin
went on in accordance with the Will of God. Then a great preceptor in the Manu
lineage committed an error by equating himself to God. His name was Satyatrana.
In his spiritual ecstasy and supreme God realization, he uttered: ‘I am God’. It went against the Will of God
and he fell from the grace of God. An individual evolute may realize God but
cannot equate himself to God. The mistake had egoistic origin. The above said
error happened in the 3rd chaturyuga of the present Manu cycle. As a
consequence, a curse came from God: ‘May the memory of Manu be erased from the human
race’. Thus, the awareness about Manu, the Adam of human race was lost. A long
age of darkness followed. Then, in the 7th chaturyuga, God initiated a
correction through three spiritual entities – Siva, Vishnu and Brahma. Thereafter,
the system of worshipping gods and goddesses in different names and manners originated
all over the world – in India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, etc.
very error, which happened to Satyatrana gets repeated with the gods too as gods
began to be equated with the Supreme. A preceptor in this tradition charts the
cosmic time order of Manus as subservient to Brahma, the god of creation in Hinduism.
Gods were erroneously equated with the supreme God through mythological
treatises (puranas). The Will of God is violated… Interpolations take place in the scriptures. The
way of spiritual guidance through the sages in the Manu lineage is ignored. A
system of worship based on the propitiation of gods and goddesses gains
strength in which priests became the spiritual authority.
spiritual order of Manu was distorted. Great avatars like Krishna and Buddha
and various other sages appeared to rectify this error. When their efforts
failed, God sent messengers and prophets such as Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet
Mohammed and others in other parts of the world. It has been revealed that 2444
Gurus have taken birth in India and in different parts of the world for this
purpose since the beginning of this Kali age. The story does not end there. The
prophets and messengers of God are persecuted by powerful super-evil spirits scuttling
the mission of these messengers. The Will of God remains unfulfilled and
humanity suffers again without true spiritual guidance. Then all great souls
pray for a divine intervention. Several sages predict the birth of a Divine
Soul in the 20th century.
1st, 1927 – the Divine Soul in many prophesies is born in Kerala, known as Gods
Own Country. His name is Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru. God initiates a long
awaited correction through Him. In the year 1973, new revelations were made to
the Guru from the Supreme Light about the aforesaid history of the original sin
occurred in the spiritual order of Manu. These revelations are never available
in any scriptures. It is a new beginning, a new spiritual dawn.
1. Rigveda
2. Manu Smriti
3. Old Testament
4. The Secret Doctrine, Madam Blavatsky
5. A Dialogue on Human Prospect, Navajyoti Sree
Karunakara Guru, Santhigiri Publications
6. The Riddle of
Manu, Manvantara Avatars and World Teacher Prophesies, Mukundan P.R., Santhigiri
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